Why am I doing this again?

Why am I doing this again?

Ok, I’ve decided to start recording my daily activities for a number of reasons.

  1. My supervisor requires me to give a list of projects that I worked on along with the amount of time that I saved for someone each year. This should make that task a little easier and more accurate.
  2. This should give me a better idea of what I am accomplishing each day.
  3. Hopefully this would be a good reference to answer the oft asked question of WTF was I thinking.
  4. It has the potential of being interesting to me or maybe someone else at some point in the future.
  5. Because if everyone else jumped off the empire state building I’d prolly follow them without too much hesitation…. ah maybe not it HAS taken me quite awhile to even consider jumping on the whole “I’m so awesome I blog” fad. Is it conincidental that I recently bought my wife an iPhone and think the thing is cool? I’ve questioned my hetrosexuality ever since.